Posts Tagged ‘3d’

Check out this absolutely fantastic projection for Hyundai in Kuala Lampur. What I really love about this is how it’s taken the concept of architectural mapping, and flipped it on its head. Instead of just being a “projection that interacts with the environment” it is truly a projection that pushes the limits of what we can achieve with creativity!

via Creative Criminals

H&M opened their new store in Amsterdam with an amazing Architectural Mapping Projection (the fancy name for 3d Projections). Check it out, it’s pretty killer:

In Canada an organisation called has partnered with BCAA Traffic Safety Foundation in a joint safety campaign which features a pretty bizarre approach to reducing vehicular speeds. The conventional speed bump has been replaced with a 3D Optical Illusion of a girl picking up a ball in the middle of the road.

Even though this does sound like something in the “not such a great idea” category, but according to the organisation it shouldn’t cause any accidents. “It’s a static image. If a driver can’t respond to this appropriately, that person shouldn’t be driving….”

Read more about it at the Preventable site

Story via Discover Magazine