Posts Tagged ‘prank’

Remember not so long ago when Canada acknowledged that the developed world is to blame for climate change, or when the New York Times ran an article declaring the Iraq War finished? What about when then New York Post headlines told their readers they were screwed, and global warming will be triggering floods and natural disasters in their city? Amazing to see that big-business has finally decided to take responsibility for all the trouble they’ve caused and the lives they have destroyed… wait… no, they didn’t. All of the above-mentioned things actually happened, but it was from a different kind of “representative” they didn’t see coming.

Over the past 12 years or so, The Yes Men have been calling the biggest polluters, human traffickers and socially irresponsible companies and organisations out to play in a way you wouldn’t expect. Instead of going the usual route of protesting and petitioning, Yes Men prefer making public announcements on behalf of these institutions (instead of waiting around for them to eventually take the rap). They have mastered the art of pranking, and taken it a step further by using it as a tool for social change.

Now they’re taking it to the next level again by introducing The Yes Men Labs, a component of their organisation dedicated to brainstorming concepts and helping other activist groups pull off similar stunts. Currently they are fundraising to get the Labs component sustainable, and you can assist by either donating via PayPal on their site, or even just buying their DVD online. Whichever way you think you can help, do it! Share this with your mates, and direct people to their site to further their impact!

Check out “The Yes Men Save The World DVD Trailer Below:

Also, visit their site at or find them on Facebook to see some of the other crazy stuff they get up to in the name of good!

So if you’d like to donate, or read more about The Yes Men Labs, visit them at